I haven't been adding animals and such to my farm scenes in quite a while and my family pointed out they needed some "life". The geese that fly over farms in the fall heading south are a sure sign winter is on the way.
I've added several white barns to set against the dark trees on the horizen. Notice the flock of geese making their way across the sky. The foreground needs to be put in and the painting will be done.
I laid in this sky with a opaque white. It really smoothes out the paint and allows me go back into it and rework particular areas that I'm not happy with.
This little painting I finished in one evening this past weekend. I put the sky and foreground in the first evening then the buildings, trees, and finishing touches the next. The camera seems to have washed out the lighter grasses in the pasture so I'm either going to retake the photo or darken the light colored grasses.